Monday, 24 August 2009

New Ideas

Having had a keen interest in sport since being a small child I have always watched a variety of sports and the adverts for products, events and brands. Recently I feel there has been a change in sport advertisement. Having always used famous people to attract the buyer to a product, brands such as Nike and Adidas have now had to slightly change their style of advertisment to further pursuade the audience that their product is the best. Nike and Adidas are now using motivational adverts to attract the audience. For example I recently watched on television an advert where sports stars were shot using a close up and using a slogan for the company. So for example Nike would record Tiger Woods playing a golf shot. Having hit a great shot Woods will turn to the camera and the slogan just do it will appear or he and many other sports stars will say some kind of slogan related to Nike.

Having watched many of these adverts I feel that this is how I would like to create my advert. Using a black out with only the face of each interviewe, I want to show them achieveing with the advertised product and then them sayin the slogan related to the product. For example they could say things such as ( whats your dream) or ( I am number one).

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