Thursday, 15 October 2009

Anamatic- Class feedback

Overall my class seemed to enjoy my anamatic and get the main ideas of what my advert was trying to sell and how it was trying to do this.
They thought that the idea of the players saying ' This is why I choose target sports' was good and they all thought that this was a good selling feature in my advert.
However some of them thought that it would have been better if I changed some of my shots so that rather than all saying at the end this is why I choose target sports they thought it might be better if they did it straight after the score etc.
Furthermore my teacher also said that he thought I should change the music and get something more upbeat to further emphorsise the products quality.
In conclusion I was very pleased with how my anamatic went. I understand that my ideas are along the right lines and with a slight change to some shots I feel I am ready to start filming!!!

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