Thursday, 15 October 2009

Animatic - How I think it went

Overall i feel that my anamatic went quite well. Using the anamatic enabled me to see how my filming is going to look and also enabled me to see if I needed to make any changes.

I felt the the plus points of my anamatic were:
It went down well in the class and the main ideas of the advert seemed to link well.
Also I could see that there was no need to change any shot types as they all seemed to fit well and helped make the scene keep its verisimilitude.

I also felt that there were some down points to my anamatic. These were:
I could have changed some shots around with other shots to make it look better.
Also I could have made one of them longer as an advert has to be no longer than thirty seconds yet mine is only 19seconds so i could have used up to 6secs more filming if needed.

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